He Is Coming Out as an Independent

Okay. This is BIG News! 

For years, African Americans have voted overwhelmingly for any and everybody on the Democratic ticket. However, due to the recent “direction” of Democratic leadership, Bishop Paul S. Morton is taking a stand. “For the first time in my life I’m coming out as an independent!” he states. 

In an exclusive interview, Bishop Morton tells Worship360:

“I have been a Democrat since I started voting in America, but this party is getting farther and farther away from what Kingdom people believe. For too long, Democrats have taken our vote for granted but kingdom people have rights too, and don’t want to be taken for granted. We will not just except anything.

And to be fair, it’s not just Democrats but Republicans too. Both sides are becoming too extreme.

American culture is treating Jesus like He is the President of The United States—like we have the “right” to vote for His agenda! People act like, if they like God’s word, they can vote “for” it or if they don’t we can vote “against” it.

But the truth is that Jesus is not a President! He is the King; in fact, He’s the King of Kings. What the King says goes.

Real kingdom people don’t vote on the Kingdom agenda. Real kingdom people know that what the King says goes. We must obey the King whether we like it or not.

The problem is that today’s politicians—both Republican and Democrat—are refusing listening to the King. Many conservative Republicans don’t want to help the less fortunate but want to focus more and more on the rich. The bible says ‘we must help the poor.’

These Republicans are also antagonistic toward women who find themselves in emotionally devastating situations as a result of rape. I don’t believe a woman should be forced to bring a child into the world if she has been raped by her father, or suffered the violent molestation of her body by a complete stranger. There are even times when a woman must decide to terminate because bearing a child would put her life in danger.

By no means am I supporting abortion! I’m definitely “pro-life” but there are certain situations that require careful examination and adjudication. You can’t “blanketly” decide! That’s going too far and it’s not the Kingdom way (God’s way).

At the same time, Democrats have become too liberal. Nothing is sin anymore! If nothing is sin anymore, “WHY” would we need Jesus?

We still acknowledge that it is Jesus who forgives us when we repent of our sins.

America has become arrogant! We ignore God’s Word, and we reject biblical morality. I can’t support what God condemns! God does not condone sexual sin. God does not agree with same sex marriage, adultery, fornication or polygamy.

While I understand that people have the right to make these choices; and while I agree that it is NOT my job to force anyone to stop anything, I do fully embrace my assignment to preach the Kingdom message!

I am honored to work for the King! It is my job to let people know that we must not condone sin. My job is to preach about a choice that offers a better way to live—the Kingdom Way.  And before you say that I’m not operating in love, please know that it is precisely because of love that I take this stand! I don’t condemn any person, I only stand up and speak out for what God stands for and what the Bible says.

In the upcoming 2014 and 2016 elections, I’m looking for someone who will bring balance to these serious issues that are facing our country. It doesn’t matter if the person is Independent, Democrat or Republican. I believe that many Kingdom people are ready for new choices. We have already chosen “whom we will serve”—our Kingdom and His agenda is not up for election, re-election or amendment!

I’m a citizen of God’s Kingdom. The mandates of His Theocracy supercede those of America’s Democracy. I will continue to honor the democracy of the United States, but the United States should honor and not violate the principles of my faith. I will continue to pray the words of our King—“Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done In Earth As It Is In  Heaven.”

We need elected officials who believe in the Kingdom agenda and Preachers as well as Kingdom people who will fight for the Kingdom agenda like others fought for theirs.“ 

Bishop Paul S. Morton

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